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Thank you for scheduling a Drive-Thru Vaccine Clinic appointment at Allegro Pediatrics! Please read through these friendly reminders before you arrive.

Fill Out a Patient Information Sheet

Please print, complete, and bring a Patient Information Sheet to the drive-thru clinic. This will expedite the check-in process and help with traffic flow.

Patient Information Sheet

Complete Your Pre-visit Questionnaire

You should have received a text or email prior to your appointment with a link to confirm or cancel your appointment. Once you confirm your appointment, please follow the steps to “check-in” for your visit. Please complete the pre-visit for each scheduled individual prior to arrival as we will not be able to administer the vaccine(s) until this online process is complete.

By Appointment Only

Everyone expecting to receive a vaccine must have an appointment prior to arriving at the drive-thru. We are unable to accommodate additional individuals due to our current supply of vaccine. Patients without a scheduled COVID appointment type and patients not eligible for a COVID vaccine will not be able to receive the COVID vaccine. 

Wear a T-shirt & Shorts

On the day of the appointment, please make sure the individuals receiving the vaccine are wearing short sleeves. Children 2 years old and under will receive the shot in their upper thigh and should wear shorts. This will allow us to administer the shot more easily. 

Arrive at Our Bothell Location

Our Drive-Thru Clinic is being held at our Bothell location. A detailed map is below. Arrive at your scheduled time. You should plan to be at the drive-thru for about 30 minutes. This will include check-in and receiving the vaccine. Note that restrooms will not be available.

Drive-Thru Clinic Map

Stay Calm & in Your Seats

It is important that everyone in your car stays in their seats with their seat belts fastened throughout the drive-thru event. Safety is our priority. The best way parents can support their child(ren) is to remain calm and relaxed yourself. If you want one parent to physically help your child during their shot, that person should sit in the backseat next to your child for the event.

Trust Us

Our team of vaccinators are highly experienced with children. Our goal is to make this the best experience possible for your child. Shots are more scary than painful, so we plan to vaccinate quickly. You can help us by giving your child limited choices to help them feel in control before your arrive. For example, "Whose hand would you like to hold during your shot?" or "Do you want the medicine in your right or left arm?"

Bring a Distraction

It’s not every day that your pediatrician encourages screen time, but keeping your child distracted with a tablet while you go through the drive-thru process may help keep them calm and make the time go by more quickly. You may also consider bringing a reward to let your child know you appreciate them being brave!

Vaccine Information Sheet

Learn more about the vaccine(s) by reading the Vaccine Information Sheet(s), provided by the CDC.

Influenza Vaccine

COVID Vaccine (6 months - 11 years)

COVID Vaccine (12 - 18 years)

    Appointment Cancellation

    If your child already received their flu shot elsewhere or you can no longer make your appointment, please CANCEL by choosing that option when you receive your text/email confirmation.

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