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What are well care check-ups?

Well Care Check-Ups are designed to track your child’s growth and development, address your questions and concerns, and help you anticipate what comes next in your journey with your child. Topics that may be addressed during your child’s check-up include:

Immunizations: Immunizing your child is one of the most important things you can do as a parent or guardian to keep them safe and healthy. Well Child Check-ups are a great time to make sure your child is up-to-date on routine vaccinations.

Newborn and Infant Health: The newborn phase can be overwhelming. Frequent Well Care Check-Ups in the first two years of life offer opportunities for you and your child’s pediatrician to discuss topics such as feeding and sleep issues, connecting and bonding with your baby, understanding newborn behavior and development, and how to help siblings adjust to a new baby.

Developmental and Behavioral Health: Our providers will evaluate your child to see if there is a physical problem, like with hearing or vision, or whether there may be a developmental or behavioral concern, such as speech or language delay, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or depression and anxiety. Well Care Check-ups are also a great time to discuss general questions about learning, development and behavior, as well as specific concerns about academic challenges, bullying, and coping with loss or trauma.

Adolescent Health: Adolescence is an exciting time of physical and emotional growth and self-discovery. It is also a time of increasing independence and challenges, as teenagers begin to experience the world as young adults. Our pediatricians use this time to nurture a teenager’s development, and can help when there are significant concerns. Out of respect for a teenager’s privacy and emerging role in personal decision-making, a portion of time during adolescent check-ups will be offered as one-on-one time with their doctor.

Traveling With Your Child: Traveling with children can be a wonderful, but sometimes challenging, experience. Normal routines are thrown out the window, and a new environment with different food, germs and people can sometimes lead to sickness. Well Care Check-ups are a great time to discuss upcoming travel plans with your primary doctor. Please be aware that a travel consult during a Well Care often results in a separate charge.

Doctors at Allegro Pediatrics are here to support you and your child in all aspects of their growth and development. To be most beneficial, we do recommend that these types of visits are scheduled with your selected primary pediatrician.

When does my child need a well care check-up?

Below is the recommended schedule:

  • 7-14 days old
  • 1 month old
  • 2 months old
  • 4 months old
  • 6 months old
  • 9 months old
  • 12 months old
  • 15 months old
  • 18 months old
  • 2 years old
  • After age 2, once every year or as advised by your doctor

How can we be prepared for a well care check-up?

Some doctors' schedules fill up quickly, so please plan ahead and contact us early for an appointment. If your child’s primary doctor is not available, we can schedule you with one of our other skilled and compassionate doctors.

While insurance has traditionally covered routine Well Care Check-Ups, we’ve seen some recent changes in this coverage. Please contact your insurer, or your employer’s benefits office, to check your coverage.

In order to be prepared for a thorough check-up, we ask that patients wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes.

We appreciate your prompt arrival for your child's appointment. Please let us know if you are going to be late. We may need to reschedule based on the doctor's availability.

Schedule an appointment today.

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