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Teen Wellness

As a teenager, you will experience developmental changes to your physical and emotional health and well-being. Challenges may arise as you navigate the world as a young adult with increased independence. Our care providers are here to help you feel comfortable with developmental changes and support you when you have concerns.

Keeping up with annual Well Care Check-ups as a teen is important for building trust and open communication with your provider during this challenging stage of life. A portion of your teen wellness check-up will be offered as one-on-one time with your provider. We kindly request that you schedule your teen visits with your primary care provider whenever possible.

Visit the WA Department of Health's Teen Health Hub to find links to quality, accurate information on health topics that are important to you.

When you’re ready to transition from pediatric to adult health care, we recommend visiting Got Transition to help you navigate this process.

Privacy Rights for Teens

We respect your privacy and your right to personal decision making when it comes to your health. As a teenager in Washington State, you have some important privacy and confidentiality rights. You can choose to talk privately with your provider about:

  • Mental health (age 13+)
  • Drug and alcohol treatment or testing (age 13+)
  • Sexual health (age 14+)
  • Pregnancy care or testing (any age)

The conversation between you and your provider will be kept confidential, unless the provider feels that the issues are potentially life-threatening for you or someone else. If that is the case, the provider will work with you to get the help that is needed. Please note that medical tests and appointments may appear on your parents’ bill or insurance statement. Allegro Pediatrics is a safe place for you to voice concerns and get support.

When You Have Concerns

Along with growth and self-discovery, the teen years can bring real challenges. When you have concerns, you can seek help from our care team, or explore community organizations like Teen Line, where teens can get help from fellow teens, and the other resources below.


You have a right to be treated respectfully. Cyber bullying and physical or mental intimidations are growing problems. Allegro Pediatrics is a safe place to get help if you feel you are being bullied. Get more information about what you can do to stop bullying from

Domestic and Dating Violence

You have a right to feel safe in your relationships. Just like bullying, domestic violence can be done by anyone, including a friend, parent, or significant other. Your provider can guide you through the steps towards getting help. Visit or the National Domestic Violence Hotline for more resources.

Eating Disorders

You have a right to feel good about yourself and your body. If you are struggling with an eating disorder, we are here to help. You can find more information here about eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating.

Mental Health and Suicide

You have a right to understand and learn how to take control of your emotions. Depression and anxiety is far more common than you may think. Talking to your provider can help you see that there are ways to feel better, even if it feels like it is hopeless. The Depression Help Guide is also a great resource for you or a friend.

If you have thought about suicide, please talk to someone right away. Allegro Pediatrics and the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or, are good places to get help.

Sexual Health

You have a right to receive care and education to help you make good decisions about your sexual and reproductive health. While you may not always feel comfortable talking to your parents about this topic, they are often your best resource for discussions and guidance regarding sexuality and dating. If you are 14 or older, you can also talk privately with your provider about your sexual health and identity. Your provider can also help you decide when or how to share your concerns with a parent. 

Helpful Resources